The best treatment for you is the one that works for you. No one is the same, we all have different expectations, personalities and life experiences, so why should one way of treatment be the right way?
For some people, short appointments on a regular basis such as at the chiro are just fine, others on the other hand hate manipulations that can make a "crack", based on two different opinions, can we conclude that chiropractic is not good?
Others base the opinion of a profession only on the scientific basis, if it is not 100% scientifically proven, it is not good. Acupuncture has been around for almost 5000 years and it is still not a 100% scientifically approved technique and yet it is very well accepted socially, acupuncturists have a professional Order in Quebec and many people are very satisfied with their service.
Some professions are not officially recognized in Quebec, for example osteopathy still does not have a professional order. However, osteopaths are not fraud. Many countries recognize osteopathy as a profession with professional orders, so it is not because it is not yet created in Quebec that osteopathy cannot help you in your discomforts.
So, how do you choose the right professional for you?
All first line health professionals (chiro, physio, osteo, masso, acupuncture and others) have followed training that can help you, each professional has his or her own skills and limits. Within the same profession, therapists may have acquired different specialties, a physio who specializes in pregnant women may not be the first choice to treat epicondylitis.
Next comes the personality of the therapist. You should always be comfortable with your therapist, have good communication and a good relationship. Note that if you show up to every appointment backwards and don't feel like seeing the therapist, the results will not be the same as if you have a good understanding of what the therapist wants from you and what you want from him or her.
The best comparison is with a hairdresser, before you have YOUR hairdresser, the one who does exactly the color, cut or style you want, how many hairdressers have you tried? Yet, they all have the same training. There is no good answer, it's trial and error to find the right person for you.
So how do you find the right professional for the treatment you need? You will have to try several professionals until you find the one that is right for you.
You'll need to have good communication, understand his or her view of your condition, have a good relationship with each other and agree on the treatment plan. And don't forget that just because one osteopath didn't work for you doesn't mean that all osteopaths won't work for you, every therapist is unique.
Happy hunting for therapists!